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Some ISPs may require that you register your MAC address with them. If this is the case, the
MAC address of the Belgacom b-box must be changed manually to the MAC address that you
have registered with your ISP.
Use the LAN menu to configure the LAN IP address and to enable the DHCP server for
dynamic client address allocation.
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Parameter Description
IP Address The IP address of the Belgacom b-box.
IP Subnet Mask The subnet mask of the Belgacom b-box.
DHCP Server To dynamically assign an IP address to client PCs, enable the
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Server.
Lease Time Set the DHCP lease time.
Parameter Description
IP Address Pool Start IP
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End IP Domain Name
Specify the start IP address of the DHCP pool. Do not include the gateway address of the
Belgacom b-box in the client address pool. (See “TCP/IP Configuration” on page 3-2). If you
attempt to include the Belgacom b-box gateway address ( by default) in the DHCP
pool, an error dialog box will appear. If you change the pool range, make sure the first three
octets match the gateway’s IP address, i.e.,
Specify the end IP address of the DHCP pool.
If your network uses a domain name, enter it here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Remember to configure your client PCs for dynamic address allocation. (See “TCP/IP
Configuration” on page 3-2 for details.)
The Belgacom b-box also operates as a wireless access point, allowing wireless computers
to communicate with each other. To configure this function, you need to enable the wireless
function, define the radio channel, the domain identifier, and the security options.
Wireless Settings
Check Enable and click “SAVE SETTINGS.”
Channel and SSID
You must specify an Service Set ID (SSID) and a common radio channel to be used by the
Belgacom b-box and all of its wireless clients. Be sure you configure all of its clients to the
same values. The SSID is case-sensitive and can consist of up to 32 alphanumeric
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characters. Functioning as an access point, the Gateway can be configured for roaming
clients by setting the SSID and wireless channel.
See the description of the parameters below.
Parameter Description
Service Set ID. The SSID must be the same on the Belgacom b-box and all
of its wireless clients.
The SSID is case sensitive and can consist of up to 32 alphanumeric
characters. (Default: WLAN)
SSID Broadcast Enable or disable the broadcasting of the SSID. Enable SSID broadcasting on
the wireless network for easy connection with client PCs. For security reasons,
you should disable SSID broadcast. (Default: Enable)
Wireless Mode This device supports both 11g and 11b wireless networks. Make your
selection depending on the type of wireless network that you have.
The radio channel used by the wireless router and its clients to communicate with
each other. This channel must be the same on the Belgacom b-box and all of its
wireless clients.
The Belgacom b-box will automatically assign itself a radio channel, or you
may select one manually.
If you experience poor performance, you may be encountering interference
from another wireless device. Try changing the channel, as this may eliminate
interference and increase performance. Channels 1, 6, and 11, as the three non-
overlapping channels in the 2.4GHz range, are preferred.
The available channel settings are limited by local regulations. (Default: Auto;
Range: 1-11)
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Access Control
Using the Access Control functionality, you can specify which PCs can wirelessly connect
to the access point. Each PC has a unique identifier known as a Medium Access Control
(MAC) address. With MAC filtering enabled, only the computers whose MAC address you
have listed in the filtering table may connect to the Belgacom b-box.
See the description of the Access Control features below.
Parameter Description
Enable MAC Enable or disable the MAC filtering function.


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