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change the encryption key frequently. So the encryption key is not easy to be broken by
hackers. This can improve security very much.
Select “WPA Pre-share Key” for the “Encryption” mode if you wish to use WPA-PSK or WPA2-
PSK to encrypt your wireless network.
WPA Unicast Cipher Suite
Available options are: WPA (TKIP), WPA2 (AES), and WPA2
Mixed. WPA2 (Mixed) support both WPA-PSK(TKIP/AES) and
WPA2-PSK(TKIP/AES). Please make sure your wireless client
supports the cipher you selected.
Pre-shared Key Format
You may select Passphrase (alphanumeric format) or Hex (in the
“A-F”, “a-f” and “0-9” range) to be the Pre-shared Key.
Pre-shared Key
The Pre-shared key is used to authenticate and encrypt data
transmitted in the wireless network. You may create your own
key here for wireless clients to connect to your router. WPA RADIUS
IEEE 802.1x is an authentication protocol. Every user must use a valid account to login to this
wireless router before accessing the wireless LAN. The authentication is processed by a
RADIUS server. This mode only authenticates user by IEEE 802.1x, but it does not encryption
the data during communication.
Select “WPA RADIUS” for the “Encryption” mode if you wish to use WPA RADIUS to encrypt
your wireless network.
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WPA Unicast Cipher Suite
Please select a type of WPA cipher suite.
Available options are: WPA (TKIP), WPA2 (AES), and WPA2
Mixed. You can select one of them, but you have to make sure
your wireless client support the cipher you selected.
RADIUS Server IP Address
Please input the IP address of your Radius authentication server
RADIUS Server Port
Please input the port number of your Radius authentication
server here. Default setting is 1812.
RADIUS Server Password
Please input the password of your Radius authentication server
3.2.3 MAC Control
This function will help you to prevent unauthorized users from connecting to your wireless
router. Only those wireless devices with the MAC addresses you specified here are allowed to
access your wireless router. You can use this function with other security measures described in
previous section together to enhance the safety of your wireless network.
Up to 20 MAC addresses can be added by using this function.
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Enable MAC Control
Check/Uncheck to enable/disable wireless MAC control.
MAC Address
Input the MAC address of your wireless devices here,
format ‘xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx’.
You can input any text here as the comment of this MAC
address, like ‘ROOM 2A Computer’ or anything.
Click “Add” button to add the MAC address and
associated comment to the MAC address filtering table.
Click “Clear” to remove the value you inputted in MAC
address and comment field.
If you want to delete a specific MAC address entry,
check the ‘select’ box of the MAC address you want to
delete, then click ‘Delete’ button. (You can select more
than one MAC addresses).
Delete All
If you want to delete all MAC addresses listed here,
please click ‘Delete All’ button.
After you finish with all settings, please click “Apply” button.
If you want to reset all settings in this page, please click “Cancel” button.
After you clicked Apply, the following message will be displayed on your web browser:
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You can click “Continue” to back to previous setup page to continue on other setup procedures,
or click “Apply” to reboot the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for about 30
seconds while router is rebooting).
3.2.4 Advanced Settings
You can set advanced wireless LAN parameters of this router. The parameters include
Authentication Type, Fragment Threshold, RTS Threshold, Beacon Interval, Preamble Type, etc.
It is suggested not to change these parameters unless you know what effect the changes will
have on this router.
Fragment Threshold
“Fragment Threshold” specifies the maximum size of packet
during the fragmentation of data to be transmitted. The default
value is 2346.
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RTS Threshold
When the packet size is smaller than the RTS threshold, the
wireless router will not use the RTS/CTS mechanism to send this
Beacon Interval
The interval of time that this wireless router broadcast a beacon.
Beacon is used to synchronize the wireless network.
DTIM Period
Set the DTIM period of wireless radio. Do not modify default
value if you don’t know what it is, default value is 3.
Data Rate
Set the wireless data transfer rate to a certain value. Since most
of wireless devices will negotiate with each other and pick a
proper data transfer rate automatically, it’s not necessary to
change this value unless you know what will happen after
N Data Rate
Same as above, but only for 802.11n clients.
Channel Width
Set channel width of wireless radio. Do not modify default value
if you don’t know what it is, default setting is ‘Auto 20/40 MHz’.
Preamble Type
The “Long Preamble” can provide better wireless LAN
compatibility while the “Short Preamble” can provide better
wireless LAN performance.
Broadcast ESSID
Decide if the wireless router will broadcast its own ESSID or not.
You can hide the ESSID of your wireless router by selecting
CTS Protect
It is recommended to enable the protection mechanism. This
mechanism can decrease the rate of data collision between
802.11b and 802.11g/802.11n wireless stations. When the
protection mode is enabled, the throughput of the AP will be a
little lower due to many of frame traffic should be transmitted.
Tx Power
You can set the output power of wireless radio. Unless you are
using this wireless router in a really big space, you may not have
to set output power to 100%. This will enhance security
(malicious / unknown users in distance will not be able to reach
your wireless router).
The short of Wi-Fi MultiMedia, it will enhance the data transfer
performance of multimedia contents when they are being
transferred over wireless network. The default value is “Disable”.
After you finish with all settings, please click “Apply” button.
If you want to reset all settings in this page, please click “Cancel” button.
After you clicked Apply, the following message will be displayed on your web browser:


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