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Choose the menu
Static Route
to load the following page.
Figure 4-35 Static Route
The following items are displayed on this screen:
Static Route
Enter the destination host the route leads to.
Subnet Mask:
Enter the Subnet Mask of the destination network.
Next Hop:
Enter the gateway IP address to which the packet should be sent next.
Select the physical network interface, through which this route is
Defines the priority of the route. The smaller the value is, the higher the
priority is. The default value is 0. Keep the default value if unnecessary.
Give a description for the entry.
Activate or inactivate the entry.
List of Rules
You can view the information of the entries and edit them by the Action buttons.
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The first entry in Figure 4-35 indicates: If there are packets being sent to a device with IP address of and subnet mask of, the Router will forward the packets from WAN1 port to
the next hop of
Application Example
There is a network topology as the following figure shown:
If the LAN port of TL-R470T+
with Non-NAT or Classic system mode
is connected to LAN1 with
subnet of, while the LAN port of another Router R1 is connected to LAN2 with network
of Meanwhile, the WAN ports of the two routers are interconnected and within the
same network. Now a host under TL-R470T+ and within network of LAN1 desires to communicate with
the host within network of LAN2.
You can set a Static Route entry: Enter the WAN IP address of R1 ( in the Next Hop field
on the Static Route page of TL-R470T+ as the following figure shown, then click the <Add>
button to
save the entry.
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4.6 Firewall
Anti ARP Spoofing
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is used to analyze and map IP addresses to the corresponding
MAC addresses so that packets can be delivered to their destinations correctly.
ARP functions to translate the IP address into the corresponding MAC address and maintain an ARP
Table, where the latest used IP address-to-MAC address mapping entries are stored. ARP protocol
can facilitate the Hosts in the same network segment to communicate with one another or access to
external network via Gateway. However, since ARP protocol is implemented with the premise that all
the Hosts and Gateways are trusted, there are high security risks during ARP Implementation
Procedure in the actual complex network.
The attacker may send the ARP spoofing packets with false IP address-to-MAC address mapping
entries, and then the device will automatically update the ARP table after receiving wrong ARP
packets, which results in a breakdown of the normal communication. Thus, ARP defense technology is
generated to prevent the network from this kind of attack.
IP-MAC Binding
IP-MAC Binding functions to bind the IP address, MAC address of the host together and only allows the
Hosts matching the bound entries to access the network.
Choose the menu
Anti ARP Spoofing
IP-MAC Binding
to load the following page.
Figure 4-36 IP-MAC Binding
The following items are displayed on this screen:
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It is recommended to check all the options. You should import the IP and MAC address of the host to
List of IP-MAC Binding and enable the corresponding entry before enabling “Permit the packets
matching the IP-MAC Binding entries only”.
When suffered ARP attack, the correct ARP information will be sent to the device suffering attack
initiatively by GARP (Gratuitous ARP) packets, thus the error ARP information of the device will be
replaced. You can set the packets sending rate in the Interval field.
Check the box before
Enable ARP Logs
, and the Router will send ARP logs to the specified server.
The IP address of server is the Server IP set on
4.8.6 Logs
IP-MAC Binding
IP Address:
Enter the IP Address to be bound.
MAC Address:
Enter the MAC Address corresponding to the IP Address.
Give a description for the entry.
Activate or inactivate the entry.
List of Rules
You can view the information of the entries and edit them by the Action buttons.
The first entry in Figure 4-36 indicates: The IP address of and MAC address of
00-19-66-83-53-CF have been bound and this entry is activated.
If all the entries in the binding list are disabled and “Permit the packets of IP-MAC Binding entries only”
option is selected and saved, the WEB management page of the Router cannot be login. At the
moment, you should restore the Router to factory default and login again.
ARP Scanning
ARP Scanning feature enables the Router to scan the IP address and corresponding MAC address
and display them on the List of Scanning Result.
Choose the menu
Anti ARP Spoofing
ARP Scanning
to load the following page.
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Figure 4-37 ARP Scanning
Enter the start and the end IP addresses in the Scanning IP Range field. Then click the <Scan> button,
the Router will scan all the active hosts within the scanning range and display the result in the list.
The entries displayed on the List of Scanning Result do not mean the IP and MAC addresses are
already bound. The current status for the entry will display in the “Status” field.
Indicates that the IP and MAC address of this entry is not bound and may be
replaced by error ARP information.
Indicates that this entry is imported to the list on IP-MAC Binding page, but not
effective yet.
Indicates that the IP and MAC address of this entry is already bound.
To bind the entries in the list, check these entries and click the <Import>
button, then the settings will
take effect if the entries do not conflict with the existed entries.
If the local hosts suffered from ARP attack, you cannot add IP-MAC Binding entries on this page.
Please add entries manually on IP-MAC Binding
ARP List
On this page, the IP-MAC information of the hosts which communicated with the Router recently will
be saved in the ARP list.
Choose the menu
Anti ARP Spoofing
ARP List
to load the following page.


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