(1). When the main or primary channel is set to 1, channel 5 will be
used as the extension channel. If the main channel is set to 9,
channel 5, or channel 13 can be used as the extension channel.
(2). The availability of some specific channels and/or operational
frequency bands are country dependent and are firmware
programmed at the factory to match the intended destination. The
firmware setting is not accessible by the end user.
The radio channel used by the wireless router and
its clients to communicate with each other. This
channel must be the same on the router and all of
its wireless clients.
The router will automatically assign itself a radio
channel, or you may select one manually.
Select the bandwidth:
•20 MHz: Sets the operation bandwidth as 20 MHz.
when 20 MHz is selected, there would be no
extension channel available.
•20/40 MHz: Allows automatic detection of the
operation bandwidth between 20 and 40 MHz.
Choosing this mode allows you to use the
extension channel.
Extension Channel
This is the optional channel for use. Setting the
Bandwith to 20/40 MHz allows you to use this
extension channel as the secondary channel for
doubling the bandwith of your wireless network.