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The individual fields on this screen are defined as follows:
Field Name
Pre-set at 2.4 GHz for compatibility with IEEE 802.11x standards.
[Auto, 1-11]
Select the Wi-Fi channel you wish to use.
Auto Channel Timer(min)
[0-65535 minutes] Set the frequency with which the gateway scans channels for in-
terference. If a threshold of inference is detected, a new channel will be auto selected.
[Auto, Disabled]
Reference, IEEE 802.11n Draft 2.0 for details on this standard.
[20MHz, 40MHz] Select the Bandwidth.
40MHz bandwidth provides better through-
put by taking advantage of two, adjacent 20MHz bands.
Control Sideband
[Upper, Lower]
Select the appropriate sideband to minimize RF interference from
adjacent channels and maximize the throughput. Sideband controls only available
in 40MHz mode.
802.11n rate
Select the desired physical transmission rate.
802.11n protection
[Off, Auto] Select Auto for maximum security but there is a noticeable impact on
throughput. Select Off for best throughput.
Support 802.11n client only
[On, Off] Select On to restrict 802.11b/g clients from accessing the gateway.
RIFS Advertisement
[Off, Auto] Reduced Inter-Frame Space RIFS. Improves performance by reducing
dead time required between OFDM transmissions. Recommended primarily for
greenfield deployments only.
OBSS Coexistence
[Enable, Disable] Coexistence of Overlapping Basic Service Sets that prevents over-
lapping in the 20MHz and 40MHz frequencies.
If set to Enable, the gateway will automatically revert to 20MHz channel bandwidth
when another WiFi network within 2 channels of its own channel is detected or when
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+1 360 859 1780
SmartRG Inc. Propriety and Confidential. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2014
Field Name
a client device with its 40MHz Intolerant bit set is detected. Disabling this feature
violates the 802.11-2012 specification.
RX power chain save
[Enable, Disable] Turn on power save mode.
Note: 802.11n/EWC must be set to Auto before enabling this feature.
RX power chain save quiet time
[0 to 2147483647 seconds] Set the delay time between when system activity ceases
and power save mode engages.
Note: Set 802.11n/EWC to Auto and to Enable before setting this parameter.
RX power chain save PPS
[0 to 2147483647 packets per second] Sets a throughput threshold for when the
router engages power save mode after the quiet time seconds have elapsed.
Note: Set 802.11n/EWC to Auto and to Enable before setting this parameter.
54g rate
[Auto, 11 Mbps, 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps, 5.5 Mbps, 11 Mbps] Select a fixed data rate from the
drop-down list if desired. Auto will select 11 Mbps when possible but will drop (based
on signal strength) when necessary.
Multicast rate
[1-54 Mbps] Enter the desired packet transmit rate for multicast.
Basic Rate Fragmentation Threshold
[256 - 2346 bytes]
Enter the threshold for what sized packets will be fragmented to a
smaller unit size. The primary consideration for this setting being the size/capability
of the circuit.
A high packet error rate is an indication that a slightly increased Fragmentation
Threshold is in order.
When possible, the default value of 2346 should be main-
tained. Poor throughput is a likely result of setting this threshold too low.
RTS Threshold
[256 – 2346 bytes] Specify the Request to Send packet size beyond which the WLAN
client hardware invokes its RTS/CTS mechanism. Smaller packets will otherwise be
sent not using RTS/CTS.
The threshold is off when using the default setting of 2347.
DTIM Interval
[1 and 65535] a.k.a. Beacon rate, Delivery Traffic Indication Message is a countdown
variable indicating when the next window for listening to buffered broadcast and
multicast messages is available to client devices.
The default is 1.
Beacon Interval
[1 and 65535 ms]
The time interval between beacon transmissions. Beacon transmissions
make known the presence of an access point and convey to wireless NICs when to
awake from power save mode to check for buffered frames at the access point).
The default is 100 ms.
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+1 360 859 1780
SmartRG Inc. Propriety and Confidential. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2014
Field Name
Global Max Clients
[1-255] The maximum number of client devices that can connect to the router.
Xpress TM Technology
[Enabled, Disabled] Xpress Technology is compliant with draft specifications of two
planned wireless industry standards
Transmit Power
Set the desired output power (by percentage).
WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia)
[Auto, Enabled, Disabled] When enable, this technology allows multimedia services
(audio, video and voice packets) to get higher priority.
WMM No Acknowledgement
[Enabled, Disabled] Refers to the acknowledge policy used at the MAC level. Enable no
Acknowledgement for better throughput but in the event of a noisy RF environment,
higher error rates may result.
[Enabled, Disabled] Automatic Power Save Delivery, a power consumption saving
Station Info
This page displays authenticated wireless stations and their status.
Click the
button to update the display.
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+1 360 859 1780
SmartRG Inc. Propriety and Confidential. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2014
Line performance diagnostic tools are supported by your SmartRG gateway. Three legs of the data path are included in the avail-
able tests: LAN connectivity, DSL connectivity and Internet connectivity tests.
After selecting
Diagnostics -> Diagnostics
from the left navigation bar, click the
button at the bottom of the screen.
The table will be updated with fresh diagnostic information regarding connection integrity. There is significant in-line documenta
tion regarding each individual test. Simply click the
link at the far right of each line item to learn more about what is being
tested and what actions to take in the event that a particular test should fail.
The normal test method is initiated with the
button and utilizes OAM F5 loopback cells.
Selecting the
Test With OAM F4
will conduct the test at the VP level in lieu of at an individual VC connection.


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