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You can restrict users from accessing certain Internet applications/services
(e.g. Internet websites, email, FTP etc.), Access Control allows users to define
the traffic type permitted in your LAN. You can control which PC client can
have access to these services.
If you select “Deny” then all clients will be allowed to access Internet
accept for the clients in the list below.
If you select “Allow” then all clients will be denied to access Internet
accept for the PCs in the list below.
Filter client PCs by IP
Fill in “IP Filtering Table” to filter PC clients by IP.
Add PC
You can click Add PC to add an access control rule for users by IP
Remove PC
If you want to remove some PCs from the "IP Filtering Table",
select the PC you want to remove in the table and then click “Delete
Selected". If you want to remove all PCs from the table, just click the "Delete
All" button.
Filter client PC by MAC
Check “Enable MAC Filtering” to enable MAC
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Add PC
Fill in “Client PC MAC Address” and “Comment” of the PC that is
allowed to access the Internet, and then click “Add”. If you find any typo
before adding it and want to retype again, just click "Reset" and the fields will
be cleared.
Remove PC
If you want to remove some PC from the "MAC Filtering Table",
select the PC you want to remove in the table and then click "Delete
Selected". If you want to remove all PCs from the table, just click the "Delete
All" button. If you want to clear the selection and re-select again, just click
Click <
> at the bottom of the screen to save the above configuration.
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URL block
You can block access to some Web sites from particular PCs by entering a full
URL address or just keywords of the Web site.
Enable URL
Blocking Enable/disable URL Blocking
Add URL Keyword
Fill in “URL/Keyword” and then click “Add”. You can enter
the full URL address or the keyword of the web site you want to block.
Remove URL Keyword
If you want to remove some URL keywords from the
"Current URL Blocking Table", select the URL keyword you want to remove in
the table and then click "Delete Selected". If you want remove all URL
keywords from the table, just click "Delete All" button. If you want to clear
the selection and re-select again, just click “Reset”.
Click <
> at the bottom of the screen to save the above configurations
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Advanced Settings
Network Address Translation (NAT) allows multiple users at your local site to
access the Internet through a single Public IP Address or multiple Public IP
Addresses. NAT provides Firewall protection from hacker attacks and has the
flexibility to allow you to map Private IP Addresses to Public IP Addresses for
key services such as Websites and FTP. Select Disable to disable the NAT
Port Forwarding
Port Forwarding allows you to re-direct a particular range of service port
numbers (from the Internet/WAN Port) to a particular LAN IP address. It
helps you to host servers behind the router NAT firewall.
Enable Port
Forwarding Enable Port Forwarding
Private IP
This is the private IP of the server behind the NAT firewall.
This is the protocol type to be forwarded. You can choose to forward
“TCP” or “UDP” packets only, or select “both” to forward both “TCP” and
“UDP” packets.
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Port Range
The range of ports to be forward to the private IP.
description of this setting.
Add Port Forwarding
Fill in the "Private IP", “Type”, “Port Range” and
"Comment" of the setting to be added and then click "Add". Then this Port
Forwarding setting will be added into the "Current Port Forwarding Table"
Remove Port Forwarding
If you want to remove a Port Forwarding setting
from the "Current Port Forwarding Table", select the Port Forwarding setting
that you want to remove in the table and then click "Delete Selected". If you
want to remove all Port Forwarding settings from the table, just click "Delete
All" button. Click "Reset" will clear your current selections.


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