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9 Bringing up the WLR-4000
Connect the supplied power-adapter to the power inlet port and connect it to
a wall outlet. Switch on the power via the switch on the back of the device.
The WLR-4000 automatically enters the self-test phase. During self-test
phase, the Power LED will be lit continuously to indicate that this product is in
normal operation.
10 Initial Setup WLR-4000
LOGIN procedure
OPEN your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer).
in the address bar and press [Enter]
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Type your user name and password. The default username is admin. The
password can be found on the backlabel on the bottom of your router.
You will see the home page of the WLR-4000.
The System status section allows you to monitor the current status of your router
the UP time, hardware information, serial number as well as firmware version
information is displayed here.
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LAN settings
The LAN tab gives you the opportunity to change the IP settings of the WLR-
at the bottom of this screen to save any changes.
IP address It is the router’s LAN IP address (Your LAN clients
default gateway IP address).
IP Subnet Mask Specify a Subnet Mask for your LAN segment.
802.1d Spanning Tree
is Disabled by default. If the 802.1d Spanning Tree
function is enabled, this router will use the spanning tree protocol to prevent
network loops.
DHCP Server
Enabled by default. You can enable or disable the DHCP server.
When DHCP is disabled no ip-addresses are assigned to clients and you have to
use static ip-addresses. When DHCP server is enabled your computers will be
assigned an ip-address automatically until the lease time expires.
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Lease Time
Forever. In the Lease Time setting you can specify the time period
that the DHCP lends an IP address to your LAN clients. The DHCP will change
your LAN client’s IP address when this time threshold period is reached.
IP Address Pool
You can select a particular IP address range for your DHCP
server to issue IP addresses to your LAN Clients.
default IP range is ~ If you want
your PC(s) to have a static/fixed IP address, then you’ll have to choose
an IP address outside this IP address Pool
Domain Name
You can specify a Domain Name for your LAN or just keep the
default (sitecomwlr4000).
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Device Status
View the Broadband router’s current configuration settings. Device Status
displays the configuration settings you’ve configured in the Wizard / Basic
Settings / Wireless Settings section.


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