II 1.8 - 7.2 - 7.2 S
Select one of the following options from the ‘IP Address Distribution’ combo-box:
DHCP Server
‘Start IP Address’
The first IP address that may be assigned to a LAN host. Since the gateway’s default IP
address is, this address must be or greater.
‘End IP Address’
The last IP address in the range that can be used to automatically assign IP addresses to LAN
‘Subnet Mask’
A mask used to determine to what subnet an IP address belongs. An example of a subnet mask
value is
‘WINS server’
If you use a Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS), specify the WINS server address in this
‘Lease Time In Minutes’
Each device will be assigned an IP address by the DHCP server for a this amount of
time, when it connects to the network. When the lease expires the server will determine if the computer has
disconnected from the network. If it has, the server may reassign this IP address to a newly-connected computer.
This feature ensures that IP addresses that are not in use will become available for other computers on the
‘Provide Host Name If Not Specified by Client’
If the DHCP client does not have a host name, the gateway will
automatically assign one for him.
Figure 5.17 IP Address Distribution - DHCP Server
DHCP Relay
Your gateway can act as a DHCP relay in case you would like to dynamically assign IP addresses from a DHCP
server other than your gateway’s DHCP server. Note that when selecting this option you must also change
II’s WAN to work in routing mode. For more information, see section
After selecting ‘DHCP Relay’ from the drop down menu, a ‘New IP Address’ link will appear:
Figure 5.18 IP Address Distribution - DHCP Relay
Click the ‘New IP Address’ link. The ‘DHCP Relay Server Address’ screen will appear:
Figure 5.19 DHCP Relay Server Address
2. Specify the IP address of the DHCP server.