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R6300 WiFi Router 802.11ac Dual Band Gigabit
A secure website that will not open, or displays only part of a web page
Yahoo email
MSN portal
America Online’s DSL service
You use VPN and have severe performance problems.
You used a program to optimize MTU for performance reasons, and now you have
connectivity or performance problems.
An incorrect MTU setting can cause Internet communication
problems. For instance, you might not be able to access certain
websites, frames within websites, secure login pages, or FTP or
POP servers.
If you suspect an MTU problem, a common solution is to change the MTU to 1400. If you are
willing to experiment, you can gradually reduce the MTU from the maximum value of 1500
until the problem goes away. The following table describes common MTU sizes and
Table 2.
Common MTU Sizes
The largest Ethernet packet size and the default value. This setting is typical for
connections that do not use PPPoE or VPN, and is the default value for NETGEAR
routers, adapters, and switches.
Used in PPPoE environments.
Maximum size to use for pinging. (Larger packets are fragmented.)
Used in some DHCP environments.
Usable by AOL if you do not have large email attachments, for example.
Used in PPTP environments or with VPN.
Maximum size for AOL DSL.
Typical value to connect to dial-up ISPs.
To change the MTU size:
Advanced > Setup > WAN Setup
In the MTU Size field, enter a value from 64 to 1500.
to save the settings.
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R6300 WiFi Router 802.11ac Dual Band Gigabit
LAN Setup
The LAN Setup screen allows configuration of LAN IP services such as Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Routing Information Protocol (RIP).
The router is shipped preconfigured to use private IP addresses on the LAN side and to act
as a DHCP server. The router’s default LAN IP configuration is:
LAN IP address.
Subnet mask.
These addresses are part of the designated private address range for use in private networks
and are suitable for most applications. If your network requires a different IP addressing
scheme, you can change these settings in the LAN Setup screen.
To change the LAN settings:
If you change the LAN IP address of the router while connected
through the browser, you will be disconnected. You will have to open
a new connection to the new IP address and log in again.
Advanced > Setup > LAN Setup
to display the following screen:
Enter the settings that you want to customize. These settings are described in the following
LAN Setup Screen Settings
to save your changes.
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R6300 WiFi Router 802.11ac Dual Band Gigabit
LAN Setup Screen Settings
IP Address
. The LAN IP address of the router.
IP Subnet Mask
. The LAN subnet mask of the router. Combined with the IP address, the
IP subnet mask allows a device to know which other addresses are local to it, and which
have to be reached through a gateway or router.
RIP Direction
. Router Information Protocol (RIP) allows a router to exchange routing
information with other routers. This setting controls how the router sends and receives
RIP packets. Both is the default setting. With the Both or Out Only setting, the router
broadcasts its routing table periodically. With the Both or In Only setting, the router
incorporates the RIP information that it receives.
RIP Version
. This setting controls the format and the broadcasting method of the RIP
packets that the router sends. It recognizes both formats when receiving. By default, the
RIP function is disabled.
is universally supported. It is adequate for most networks, unless you have an
unusual network setup.
carries more information. Both RIP-2B and RIP-2M send the routing data in RIP-2
format. RIP-2B uses subnet broadcasting. RIP-2M uses multicasting.
Use Router as a DHCP Server
This check box is usually selected so that the router functions as a Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server.
Starting IP Address
. Specify the start of the range for the pool of IP addresses in the
same subnet as the router.
Ending IP Address
. Specify the end of the range for the pool of IP addresses in the
same subnet as the router.
Address Reservation
When you specify a reserved IP address for a computer on the LAN, that computer receives
the same IP address each time it accesses the router’s DHCP server. Assign reserved IP
addresses to servers that require permanent IP settings.
Use the Router as a DHCP Server
By default, the router acts as a DHCP server. The router assigns IP, DNS server, and default
gateway addresses to all computers connected to the LAN. The assigned default gateway
address is the LAN address of the router. The router assigns IP addresses to the attached
computers from a pool of addresses specified in this screen. Each pool address is tested
before it is assigned to avoid duplicate addresses on the LAN. For most applications, the
default DHCP and TCP/IP settings of the router are satisfactory.
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R6300 WiFi Router 802.11ac Dual Band Gigabit
You can specify the pool of IP addresses to be assigned by setting the starting IP address
and ending IP address. These addresses should be part of the same IP address subnet as
the router’s LAN IP address. Using the default addressing scheme, define a range between and, although you might want to save part of the range for
devices with fixed addresses.
The router delivers the following parameters to any LAN device that requests DHCP:
An IP address from the range you have defined
Subnet mask
Gateway IP address (the router’s LAN IP address)
Primary DNS server (if you entered a primary DNS address in the Internet Setup screen;
otherwise, the router’s LAN IP address)
Secondary DNS server (if you entered a secondary DNS address in the Internet Setup
To use another device on your network as the DHCP server, or to specify the network
settings of all of your computers, clear the
Use Router as DHCP Server
check box and click
. Otherwise, leave this check box selected. If this service is not enabled and no other
DHCP server is available on your network, set your computers’ IP addresses manually or
they will not be able to access the router.
Address Reservation
When you specify a reserved IP address for a computer on the LAN, that computer always
receives the same IP address each time it accesses the router’s DHCP server. Reserved IP
addresses should be assigned to computers or servers that require permanent IP settings.
To reserve an IP address:
In the Address Reservation section of the screen, click the
In the IP Address field, type the IP address to assign to the computer or server. (Choose an
IP address from the router’s LAN subnet, such as 192.168.1.x.)
Type the MAC address of the computer or server.
If the computer is already on your network, you can copy its MAC
address from the Attached Devices screen and paste it here.
to enter the reserved address into the table.
The reserved address is not assigned until the next time the computer contacts the
router’s DHCP server. Reboot the computer, or access its IP configuration and force a
DHCP release and renew.
To edit or delete a reserved address entry, select the radio button next to the reserved
address you want to edit or delete. Then click
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R6300 WiFi Router 802.11ac Dual Band Gigabit
Quality of Service (QoS) Setup
QoS is an advanced feature that can be used to prioritize some types of traffic ahead of
others. The R6300 WiFi Router can provide QoS prioritization over the wireless link and on
the Internet connection. To configure QoS, use the QoS Setup screen.
Advanced > Setup > QoS Setup
to display the following screen:
Enable WMM QoS for Wireless Multimedia Applications
The R6300 WiFi Router supports Wi-Fi Multimedia Quality of Service (WMM QoS) to
prioritize wireless voice and video traffic over the wireless link. WMM QoS provides
prioritization of wireless data packets from different applications based on four access
categories: voice, video, best effort, and background. For an application to receive the
benefits of WMM QoS, both it and the client running that application have to have WMM
enabled. Legacy applications that do not support WMM and applications that do not require
QoS, are assigned to the best effort category, which receives a lower priority than voice and
WMM QoS is enabled by default. You can disable it in the QoS Setup screen by clearing the
Enable WMM
check box and clicking
Set Up QoS for Internet Access
You can give prioritized Internet access to the following types of traffic:
Specific applications
Specific online games
Individual Ethernet LAN ports of the router
A specific device by MAC address
To specify prioritization of traffic, create a policy for the type of traffic and add the policy to the
QoS Policy table in the QoS Setup screen. For convenience, the QoS Policy table lists many
common applications and online games that can benefit from QoS handling.


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