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User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300S Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
Quality of Service (QoS) Commands
202-10088-01, March 2005
random-detect exponential-weighting-constant
This command sets the decay exponent used by the WRED average queue depth calculation for the
random-detect exponential-weighting-constant <1-15>
Global Config
Interface Config
no random-detect exponential-weighting-constant
This command restores the default value.
no random-detect exponential-weighting-constant
Global Config
Interface Config
random-detect queue-parms
This command sets the WRED parameters for each drop precedence level supported by a queue.
The actual number of queue drop precedence levels is platform-specific.
Use the 'no' form of this
command to restore the default values for the queue WRED parameters.
random-detect queue-parms <queue-id-1> [<queue-id-2>
… <queue-id-n>] min-thresh <0-16> <0-16> <0-16> max-
thresh <min-16> <min-16> <min-16> drop-prob-scale <1-
15> <1-15> <1-15>
Global Config
Interface Config
no random-detect queue-parms
no random-detect queue-parms <queue-id-1> [<queue-id-
2> … <queue-id-n>]
Global Config
Interface Config
tail-drop queue-parms
This command sets the tail drop threshold parameter for each drop precedence level supported by
a queue.
The total number of queue drop precedence levels is platform-specific.
Use the 'no' form
of this command to restore the default values for the queue tail drop threshold parameters.
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User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300S Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
Quality of Service (QoS) Commands
202-10088-01, March 2005
tail-drop queue-parms <queue-id-1> [<queue-id-2> … <queue-id-n>] threshold <0-16> <0-16>
no tail-drop queue-parms <queue-id-1> [<queue-id-2> … <queue-id-n>]
Global Config
Interface Config
This command specifies the maximum transmission bandwidth limit for the interface as a whole.
Also known as rate shaping, this has the effect of smoothing temporary traffic bursts over time so
that the transmitted traffic rate is bounded.
Use the 'no' form of this command to restore the
default interface shaping rate value.
traffic-shape <bw>
no traffic-shape
Global Config
Interface Config
show classofservice dot1p-mapping
This command displays the current Dot1p (802.1p) priority mapping to internal traffic classes for a
specific interface. The slot/port parameter is optional and is only valid on platforms that support
independent per-port class of service mappings. If specified, the 802.1p mapping table of the
interface is displayed.
If omitted, the most recent global configuration settings are displayed.
show classofservice dot1p-mapping [slot/port]
Privileged EXEC
The following information is repeated for each user priority.
User Priority
The 802.1p user priority value.
Traffic Class
The traffic class internal queue identifier to which the user prior-
ity value is mapped.
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User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300S Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
Quality of Service (QoS) Commands
202-10088-01, March 2005
show classofservice ip-precedence-mapping
This command displays the current IP Precedence mapping to internal traffic classes for a specific
interface. The slot/port parameter is optional and is only valid on platforms that support
independent per-port class of service mappings.
If specified, the IP Precedence mapping table of
the interface is displayed.
If omitted, the most recent global configuration settings are displayed.
show classofservice ip-precedence-mapping [slot/port]
Privileged EXEC
The following information is repeated for each user priority.
IP Precedence
The IP Precedence value.
Traffic Class
The traffic class internal queue identifier to which the IP Prece-
dence value is mapped.
show classofservice trust
This command displays the current trust mode setting for a specific interface. The slot/port
parameter is optional and is only valid on platforms that support independent per-port class of
service mappings.
If specified, the port trust mode of the interface is displayed.
If omitted, the
port trust mode of each interface in the system is shown.
If the platform does not support
independent per-port class of service mappings, the output represents the system-wide port trust
mode used for all interfaces.
show classofservice trust [slot/port]
Privileged EXEC
Non-IP Traffic
ClassThe traffic class used for non-IP traffic.
This is only dis-
played when the COS trust mode is set to either 'trust ip-dscp' or
'trust ip-precedence'.
Untrusted Traffic Class
The traffic class used for all untrusted traffic.
This is only dis-
played when the COS trust mode is set to 'untrusted'.
show interfaces cos-queue
This command displays the class-of-service queue configuration for the specified interface. The
slot/port parameter is optional and is only valid on platforms that support independent per-port
class of service mappings.
If specified, the class-of-service queue configuration of the interface is
If omitted, the most recent global configuration settings are displayed.
show interfaces cos-queue [slot/port]
Privileged EXEC
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User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300S Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
Quality of Service (QoS) Commands
202-10088-01, March 2005
This displays the slot/port of the interface.
If displaying the glo-
bal configuration, this output line is replaced with a Global Con-
fig indication.
Intf Shaping Rate
The maximum transmission bandwidth limit for the interface as a
It is independent of any per-queue maximum bandwidth
value(s) in effect for the interface.
This is a configured value.
Queue Mgmt Type
The queue depth management technique used for all queues on
this interface, either tail drop or weighted random early discard
This is a configured value.
WRED Decay Exponent
The weighted random early discard (WRED) average queue
length calculation decay exponent.
This is a configured value.
The following information is repeated for each queue on the interface.
Queue IdQueue identification number
An interface supports n queues numbered 0 to (n-1).
The specific n value is platform dependent.
Minimum Bandwidth
The minimum transmission bandwidth guarantee for the queue,
expressed as a percentage.
A value of 0 means bandwidth is not
guaranteed and the queue operates using best-effort.
This is a
configured value.
Maximum Bandwidth
The maximum transmission bandwidth limit for the queue,
expressed as a percentage.
A value of 0 means no upper limit is
enforced, so the queue may use any or all of the available band-
width of the interface.
This is a configured value.
Scheduler Type
Indicates whether this queue is scheduled for transmission using a
strict priority or a weighted scheme.
This is a configured value.
Queue Mgmt Type
The queue depth management technique used for this queue,
either tail drop or weighted random early discard (WRED).
is a configured value.
show interfaces random-detect
This command displays the weighted random early discard (WRED) configuration for each
supported drop precedence level of each queue for the specified interface. The slot/port parameter
is optional and is only valid on platforms that support independent per-port class of service
If specified, the class-of-service WRED configuration of the interface is displayed.
omitted, the most recent global configuration settings are displayed.
show interfaces random-detect [slot/port]
Privileged EXEC
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User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300S Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
Quality of Service (QoS) Commands
202-10088-01, March 2005
This displays the slot/port of the interface.
If displaying the glo-
bal configuration, this output line is replaced with a Global Con-
fig indication.
The following information is repeated for each queue on the interface.
Queue IdQueue identification number
An interface supports n queues numbered 0 to (n-1).
The number n is platform dependent and corresponds to the num-
ber of supported queues (traffic classes).
The following information is repeated for each drop precedence level defined for the preceding
Queue Id.
Drop Precedence Level
The drop precedence level for this queue, from 1 to p.
The spe-
cific p value is platform dependent.
WRED Minimum Threshold
The WRED minimum threshold value for this drop precedence
level, expressed in sixteenths of the overall device queue size
(e.g., 0/16, 1/16, 2/16…, 16/16).
This is a configured value.
WRED Maximum Threshold
The WRED maximum threshold value for this drop precedence
level, expressed in sixteenths of the overall device queue size
(e.g., 0/16, 1/16, 2/16…, 16/16).
This is a configured value.
WRED Drop Probability Scale
The WRED drop probability scale factor expressed as an integer.
This value, S, specifies that one out of every (2**S) packets are
dropped by WRED when the average queue length reaches its
maximum threshold value.
This is a configured value.
show interfaces tail-drop-threshold
This command displays the tail drop threshold configuration for each supported drop precedence
level of each queue for the specified interface. The slot/port parameter is optional and is only valid
on platforms that support independent per-port class of service mappings.
If specified, the class-
of-service tail drop configuration of the interface is displayed.
If omitted, the most recent global
configuration settings are displayed.
show interfaces tail-drop-threshold [slot/port
Privileged EXEC
This displays the slot/port of the interface.
If displaying the glo-
bal configuration, this output line is replaced with a Global Con-
fig indication.
The following information is repeated for each queue on the interface.


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