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NETGEAR genie Basic Settings
AC1450 Smart WiFi Router
Internet Setup Screen Fields
The following descriptions explain all of the possible fields in the Internet Setup screen. The
fields that display in this screen depend on whether tan ISP login is required.
Does Your Internet connection require a login?
Answer either yes or no.
These fields display when no login is required:
Account Name (If required)
. Enter the account name provided by your ISP. This might
also be called the host name.
Domain Name (If required)
. Enter the domain name provided by your ISP.
These fields display when your ISP requires a login:
Internet Service Provider
. PPPoE or PPPoA.
. The login name provided by your ISP. This login name is often an email address.
. The password that you use to log in to your ISP.
Service Name (if Required)
. If your ISP provided a service name, enter it here.
Connection Mode
. Always On, Dial on Demand, or Manually Connect.
Idle Timeout (In minutes)
. If you want to change the login time-out, enter a new value in
minutes. This setting determines how long the router keeps the Internet connection active
when there is no Internet activity from the LAN. A value of 0 (zero) means never log out.
Internet IP Address
Get Dynamically from ISP
. Your ISP uses DHCP to assign your IP address. Your ISP
automatically assigns these addresses.
Use Static IP Address
. Enter the IP address, IP subnet mask, and the gateway IP
address that your ISP assigned. The gateway is the ISP router to which your router will
Domain Name Server (DNS) Address
. The DNS server is used to look up site addresses
based on their names.
Get Automatically from ISP
. Your ISP uses DHCP to assign your DNS servers. Your ISP
automatically assigns this address.
Use These DNS Servers
. If you know that your ISP requires specific servers, select this
option. Enter the IP address of your ISP’s primary DNS server. If a secondary DNS server
address is available, enter it also.
NAT (Network Address Translation)
. NAT allows computers on your home network to
share the router Internet connection. NAT is enabled by default because it is needed in most
situations. The following settings are available:
Disable Port Scan and DoS Protection
Router MAC Address
. The Ethernet MAC address that the router uses on the Internet port.
Some ISPs register the MAC address of the network interface card in your computer when
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NETGEAR genie Basic Settings
AC1450 Smart WiFi Router
your account is first opened. They accept traffic only from the MAC address of that computer.
This feature allows your router to use your computer’s MAC address (also called cloning).
Use Default Address
. Use the default MAC address.
Use Computer MAC Address
. The router captures and uses the MAC address of the
computer that you are now using. You have to use the one computer that the ISP allows.
Use This MAC Address
. Enter the MAC address that you want to use.
Parental Controls
The first time you select Parental Controls from the Basic Home screen, your browser goes to
the Live Parental Controls website. You can learn more about Live Parental Controls or
download the application.
To set up Live Parental Controls:
Parental Controls
on the dashboard screen.
Click either the
Windows Users
Mac Users
Follow the onscreen instructions to download and install the NETGEAR Live Parental
Controls Management utility.
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NETGEAR genie Basic Settings
AC1450 Smart WiFi Router
After installation, Live Parental Controls automatically starts.
, read the note, and click
again to proceed.
Because Live Parental Controls uses free OpenDNS accounts, you are prompted to log
in or create a free account.
Select the radio button that applies to you and click
If you already have an OpenDNS account, leave the
radio button selected.
If you do not have an OpenDNS account, select the
radio button.
If you are creating an account, the following screen displays:
Fill in the fields and click
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NETGEAR genie Basic Settings
AC1450 Smart WiFi Router
After you log on or create your account, the filtering level screen displays:
Select the radio button for the filtering level that you want and click
Click the T
ake me to the status screen
Parental controls are now set up for the router. The dashboard shows Parental Controls as
Basic Wireless Settings
The Wireless Settings screen lets you view or configure the wireless network setup.
The router comes with preset security. This means that the WiFi network name (SSID),
network key (password), and security option (encryption protocol) are preset in the factory.
You can find the preset SSID and password on the bottom of the unit.
The preset SSID and password are uniquely generated for every
device to protect and maximize your wireless security.
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NETGEAR genie Basic Settings
AC1450 Smart WiFi Router
NETGEAR recommends that you do not change your preset security settings
If you change
your preset security settings, make a note of the new settings and store it in a safe place
where you can easily find it.
If you use a wireless computer to change the SSID or other wireless security settings, you
are disconnected when you click Apply. To avoid this problem, use a computer with a wired
connection to access the router.
To view or change basic wireless settings:
Basic >
The screen sections, settings, and procedures are explained in the following sections.
Make any changes that are needed.
Your settings are saved.
If you were connected wirelessly to the router and you changed the SSID or wireless
security, you are disconnected from the network.
If you changed the settings, make sure that you can connect wirelessly to the network with
its new settings.
If you cannot connect wirelessly, check the following:
Is your computer or wireless device connected to another wireless network in your
area? Some wireless devices automatically connect to the first open network (without
wireless security) that they discover.
Is your computer or wireless device trying to connect to your network with its old
settings (before you made changes)? If so, update the wireless network selection in
your computer or wireless device to match the current settings for your network.


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