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SPA9000 Field Reference
Voice tab
SPA9000 Voice System Administration Guide
Voice tab > Info page >
Line 1/2/3/4 Status section
Call 1/2 Decoder
Codec used for decoding
Call 1/2 FAX
Status of the fax pass-through mode; set to No if this line is
used for voice calls
Call 1/2 Type
Direction of the call: Inbound or Outbound
Call 1/2 Remote Hold
Indicates whether or not the far end has placed the call on
hold: Yes or No
Call 1/2 Callback
Indicates whether the call was triggered by a call back
Call 1/2 Peer Name
Name of the peer, internal station name if local phone, or
name acquired from caller-ID
Call 1/2 Peer Phone
Phone number of the other phone involved in the call, either
the extension if a local phone, or the number acquired from
Call 1/2 Duration
Duration of the call
Call 1/2 Packets Sent
Number of packets sent
Call 1/2 Packets Recv
Number of packets received
Call 1/2 Bytes Sent
Number of bytes sent
Call 1/2 Bytes Recv
Number of bytes received
Call 1/2 Decode Latency
Number of milliseconds for decoder latency
Call 1/2 Jitter
Number of milliseconds for receiver jitter
Call 1/2 Round Trip Delay
Number of milliseconds for delay
Call 1/2 Packets Lost
Number of packets lost
Call 1/2 Packet Error
Number of invalid packets received
Registration State
The status of the registration on the line interface: Registered
or Not Registered
Last Registration At
Last date and time the line was registered: mm/dd/yyyy
Next Registration In
Number of seconds before the next registration renewal;
example 2672s
Message Waiting
Indicates whether you have new voicemail waiting: Yes or No
Mapped SIP
Port number of the SIP port mapped by NAT
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SPA9000 Field Reference
Voice tab
SPA9000 Voice System Administration Guide
Voice tab > Info page >
Auto Attendant Prompt Status section
Voice tab > Info page >
Internal Music Status section
Voice tab >
System page
You can use the
page to set up restricted access domains, manage web
access to the sPA9000, set the logon passwords, and manage system log settings
and debugging. This page includes the following sections:
“System Configuration section,” on page 201
“Miscellaneous Settings section,” on page 201
Prompt 1
The duration of the prompt in milliseconds
Prompt 2
The duration of the prompt in milliseconds
Prompt 3
The duration of the prompt in milliseconds
Prompt 4
The duration of the prompt in milliseconds
Prompt 5
The duration of the prompt in milliseconds
Prompt 6
The duration of the prompt in milliseconds
Prompt 7
The duration of the prompt in milliseconds
Prompt 8
The duration of the prompt in milliseconds
Prompt 9
The duration of the prompt in milliseconds
Prompt 10
The duration of the prompt in milliseconds
Space Remaining
Number of milliseconds available
Current AA
Auto-attendant in use; example: Daytime
Installed Music Path
The pathname for the music source used for the music-on-
hold feature; example: Factory Default
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SPA9000 Field Reference
Voice tab
SPA9000 Voice System Administration Guide
Voice tab > System page >
System Configuration section
Voice tab > System page >
Miscellaneous Settings section
Restricted Access
Define up to five IP addresses or fully qualified domain
names to identify the domains in which the SPA9000 is
allowed to operate.
Enable Web Admin
Allows (yes) or prevents (no) local access to the
administration web server
Admin Passwd
Password for the administrator. Up to 39 characters are
allowed for the passwords. All characters are legal.
Default: no password
User Password
Password for the user. Up to 39 characters are allowed for
the passwords. All characters are legal.
Default: no password
Syslog Server
The IP address of the syslog server to which the SPA9000
sends syslog messages. Leave blank if you do not want to
receive syslog messages.
Debug Server
The IP address of the debug server, which logs debug
information. The level of detailed output depends on the
Debug Level parameter setting.
Debug Level
The level of debug information that is generated, from 0 to 3.
0 is a minimal level of debugging information that is
acceptable for most purposes. Levels 1 to 3 are typically
used only by Linksys personnel.
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SPA9000 Field Reference
Voice tab
SPA9000 Voice System Administration Guide
Voice tab >
SIP Page
You can use the
page to enter many settings that are important for the proper
functioning of SIP on your SPA9000. This page includes the following sections:
“SIP Parameters section,” on page 202
“SIP Timer Values (sec) section,” on page 204
“Response Status Code Handling section,” on page 206
“RTP Parameters section,” on page 207
“SDP Payload Types section,” on page 208
“NAT Support Parameters section,” on page 210
“PBX Parameters section,” on page 212
“Internal Music Source Parameters section,” on page 216
“Auto Attendant Parameters section,” on page 218
“PBX Phone Parameters section,” on page 222
Voice tab > SIP page
SIP Parameters section
Max Forward
SIP Max Forward value, which can range from 1 to 255.
Max Redirection
Number of times an invite can be redirected to avoid an
infinite loop.
Max Auth
Maximum number of times (from 0 to 255) a request may be
SIP User Agent Name
User-Agent header used in outbound requests. If empty, the
header is not included. Macro expansion of $A to $D
corresponding to GPP_A to GPP_D allowed.
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SPA9000 Field Reference
Voice tab
SPA9000 Voice System Administration Guide
SIP Server Name
Server header used in responses to inbound responses.
SIP Reg User Agent
User-Agent name to be used in a REGISTER request. If this
value is not specified, the <SIP User Agent Name> is also
used for the REGISTER request.
Default: blank
SIP Accept Language
Accept-Language header used. There is no default (this
indicates SPA9000 does not include this header). If empty,
the header is not included.
DTMF Relay MIME Type
MIME Type used in a SIP INFO message to signal a DTMF
Hook Flash MIME Type
MIME Type used in a SIP INFO message to signal a hook flash
Remove Last Reg
Lets you remove the last registration before registering a new
one if the value is different. Select yes or
no from the drop-
down menu.
Use Compact Header
Lets you use compact SIP headers in outbound SIP
messages. Select yes
no from the drop-down menu. If set
to yes, the SPA9000 uses compact SIP headers in outbound
SIP messages. If set to no, the SPA9000 uses normal SIP
headers. If inbound SIP requests contain compact headers,
SPA9000 reuses the same compact headers when
generating the response regardless the settings of the <Use
Compact Header> parameter. If inbound SIP requests
contain normal headers, SPA9000 substitutes those headers
with compact headers (if defined by RFC 261) if <Use
Compact Header> parameter is set to yes.
Escape Display Name
Select yes if you want the SPA9000 to enclose the string
(configured in the Display Name) in a pair of double quotes
for outbound SIP messages. Any occurrences of or \ in the
string is escaped with \ and \\ inside the pair of double
quotes. Otherwise, select no.
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