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Chapter 5: Configuring the Router
The Status Tab - Router
Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
The Status Tab - Router
screen displays information about the Router and its current settings.
Router Information
Current Firmware Version
. This shows the version and date of the firmware that is currently installed.
Previous Firmware Version
. This shows the version and date of the firmware that was previously installed.
Current Time
. The current time and date are displayed here.
MAC Address
. The MAC Address of the Router’s Internet interface is displayed here.
Router Name
. This shows the name you have assigned to the Router.
Host Name
. The Host Name for the Router is shown here.
Domain Name
. The Domain Name for the Router is displayed here.
Configuration Type
Login Type
. This indicates the type of Internet connection you are using.
Login Status
. For these dial-up style connections, PPPoE and PPTP, the status of the connection is displayed, and
there is a Connect button to click if there is no connection and you want to establish an Internet connection.
IP Address
. The Router’s Internet IP Address is displayed here.
Subnet Mask and Default Gateway
. The Router’s Subnet Mask and Default Gateway address are shown here.
DNS 1-2
. Shown here are the DNS (Domain Name System) IP addresses currently used by the Router.
DHCP Release
. Available for a DHCP connection, click the
DHCP Release
button to release the current IP address
of the device connected to the Router’s Internet port.
DHCP Renew
. Available for a DHCP connection, click the
DHCP Renew
button to replace the current IP
address—of the device connected to the Router’s Internet port—with a new IP address.
Click the
button to update the on-screen information. For help information, click
Figure 5-26: Status Tab - Router
The on-screen information will vary
depending on the Internet Connection Type selected
on the
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Chapter 5: Configuring the Router
The Status Tab - Local Network
Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
The Status Tab - Local Network
Local Network
screen displays information about the local network.
Local Network
MAC Address
. The MAC Address of the Router’s LAN (local area network) interface is displayed here.
IP Address
. The Router’s local IP Address is shown here.
Subnet Mask
. The Router’s Subnet Mask is shown here.
DHCP Server
. The status of the DHCP server is displayed here.
Start IP Address
. This is the starting IP address of the range assigned by the Router.
End IP Address
. This is the last IP address of the range assigned by the Router.
DHCP Clients Table
. Click the
DHCP Clients Table
button to view a list of PCs that have been assigned IP
addresses by the Router. The
DHCP Active IP Table
screen lists the DHCP Server IP Address, Client Host Names, IP
Addresses, MAC Addresses, and Expiration dates. Click the
checkbox to delete a DHCP client listing. Click
button to update the information. Click the
button to return to the
Local Network
Click the
button to update the on-screen information. For help information, click
Figure 5-27: Status Tab - Local Network
Figure 5-28: DHCP Clients Table
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Chapter 5: Configuring the Router
The Status Tab - Voice
Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
The Status Tab - Voice
screen displays information about your Internet phone line(s).
Auto Config Status
Auto Config Status
. Each time the Router boots up, it automatically checks to see if it has the latest
configuration for Internet phone service. If necessary, the Router will automatically update its configuration. You
can make Internet phone calls only if the Router has the most recent configuration.
User1 Status
Registration Status
. This indicates whether or not this phone line is registered with AT&T CallVantage Service. If
the phone line is not registered and you want Internet phone service, then refer to “Chapter 6: Signing up for
AT&T CallVantage
Service.” If the registration status indicates that the registration has failed, then refer to
“Appendix A: Troubleshooting.”
Call1 Status
. The status of the active phone call is shown here.
Call2 Status
. If you are using call waiting, the status of the incoming phone call is shown here.
User2 Status
Registration Status
. This indicates whether or not this phone line is registered with AT&T CallVantage Service. If
the phone line is not registered and you want Internet phone service, then refer to “Chapter 6: Signing up for
AT&T CallVantage
Service.” If the registration status indicates that the registration has failed, then refer to
“Appendix A: Troubleshooting.”
Call1 Status
. The status of the active phone call is shown here.
Call2 Status
. If you are using call waiting, the status of the incoming phone call is shown here.
Click the
button to update the on-screen information. For help information, click
Figure 5-29: Status Tab - Voice
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Chapter 6: Signing up for AT&T CallVantagesm Service
Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Chapter 6: Signing up for AT&T CallVantage
After you have installed and configured the Router for your Internet connection, you can sign up for Internet
phone service or activate your account. Follow these instructions to access the AT&T website.
Launch Internet Explorer, and enter
in the
Then press the
You will see two choices. Select the one that applies to you.
If you already have an Internet phone service account with AT&T, then select
I signed up for service and
want to activate
If you do not have an Internet phone service account with AT&T, then select
I have my Linksys Router and
want to sign up for service
Follow the on-screen instructions.
When you have activated your Internet phone service, the Phone 1 LED on the Router’s front panel will light up.
When you pick up the phone, you will hear a dial tone. Then you will be able to make Internet phone calls.
If you experience any problems, refer to “Appendix A: Troubleshooting” for more information.
Figure 6-1: Website for AT&T CallVantage
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Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Common Problems and Solutions
Broadband Router with 2 Phone Ports
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
This appendix provides solutions to problems that may occur during the installation and operation of the Router.
Read the description below to solve your problems. If you can't find an answer here, check the AT&T website at
or the Linksys website at
Common Problems and Solutions
I don’t hear a dial tone, and the Phone 1 LED is not lit.
Go through this checklist until your problem is solved:
Make sure the telephone is plugged into the Phone 1 port.
Disconnect and re-connect the RJ-11 telephone cable between the Router and telephone.
Make sure your telephone is set to its tone setting (not pulse).
Make sure your network has an active Internet connection. Try to access the Internet, and check to see if
the Router’s Internet LED is lit. If you do not have a connection, power off your network devices, including
the Router and cable/DSL modem. Wait 30 seconds, and power on the cable/DSL modem first. Then
power on the Router and other network devices.
Verify your account information and confirm that the phone line is registered with AT&T.
If none of the above works, contact AT&T at 1-866-596-8464.
The Status - Voice screen of the Web-based Utility says that the registration for my Internet phone
line has failed.
Go through this checklist until your problem is solved:
Make sure your network has an active Internet connection. Try to access the Internet, and check to see if
the Router’s Internet LED is lit. If you do not have a connection, power off your network devices, including
the Router and cable/DSL modem. Wait 30 seconds, and power on the cable/DSL modem first. Then
power on the Router and other network devices.
Verify your account information and confirm that the phone line is registered with AT&T.
Make sure that your cable or DSL modem is supported by AT&T.
If none of the above works, contact AT&T at 1-866-596-8464.
I reset the Router to its factory default settings. How do I configure the settings for my Internet phone
If your Internet phone service account is active, the Router will automatically download its Internet phone
service settings once it is connected to the Internet again. If you do not have an active Internet phone service
account, visit
to sign up for a new account or activate your account. Then
follow the on-screen instructions.
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