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DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
config route_map sequence set
<map_name 16>
- The route map name.
<value 1-65535>
- Specifies the sequence number for the rule.
This is the number that indicates the position a new route map will have in the list of route
maps already configured with the same name. Default: 10.
set next_hop
- Set the next hop attribute.
This will take effect for both the ingress and egress direction.
When set next_hop to peer address, for ingress direction, the next hop will be set to the
neighbor peer address. For egress direction, the next hop associated with the route in the
packet will be the neighbor peer address.
set metric
- Specifies to set the metric.
BGP router will not send metrics associated with a route by default unless the metric is
egress set in the route map.
If BGP route receive a route with a metric, then this metric will be used in best path selection.
This can be overwritten by the metric that is ingress set for the route. If the received route
has neither metric attribute nor metric ingress metric set, then the default metric (0) will be
associated with the route for the best path selection. If med-missing-as-worst is enabled for
the router, then a value of infinite will be associated with the route.
This will take effect for both ingress and egress direction.
set local_preference
- Specifies to set the local preference for the matched route.
By default,
BGP router will send the default local preference with the routes. It can be overwritten by the
local preference set by the route map. For the received route, the local preference sent with
the route will be used in the best path selection. This local preference will be overwritten if
local preference is ingress set by the route map.
For the local routes, the default local preference will be used for them in the best path
This will take effect for both ingress and egress direction.
set weight
- Set the weight for the matched routes.
It will overwrite the weight specified by the neighbor weight command for the routes received
from the neighbor.
If weight is neither specified by the neighbor weight command nor set by the route map, then
routes learned through another BGP peer have a default weight of 0.
The weight of local routes is always 32768.
This will only take effect for ingress egress direction.
set as_path
- Specifies an AS path list which is used to prepend the AS list. A format
example is:100, 200, 300.
set community
- Specifies a community to be used or to be appended to the original
communities of the route.
- Routes with this community will be sent to all peers either internal or external.
- Routes with this community will be sent to peers in the same AS, but will not be
sent to peers in other sub ASs in the same confederation and to the external peers.
- Routes with this community will not be advertised to any peer either internal or
- Routes with this community will be sent to peers in the same AS or in other sub
autonomous systems within a confederation, but will not be sent to an external BGP (eBGP)
<community_set 80>
- A community is 4 bytes long, including the 2 byte’s autonomous
system number and 2 bytes’ network number This value is configured with two 2-byte
numbers separated by a colon. The valid range of both numbers is from 1 to 65535.
A community list can be formed by multiple communities, separated by comma.
An example of a community string is 200:1024, 300:1025, 400:1026.
- If this keyword is specified, the specified community string will be appended to the
original community string.
If not specified, the specified community string will replace the original community string.
set origin
- Set the origin for the route. It can be one of the following three values, EGP, IGP,
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DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
config route_map sequence set
or incomplete.
- The dampening timer and parameter.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the route map match access list “ac_list1” and set the metric to 50:
DGS-3627:admin# config route_map map1 sequence 10 match add ip address ac_list1
Command:4# config route_map map1 sequence 10 match add ip address ac_list1
DGS-3627:admin# config route_map map1 sequence 10 set add metric 50
Command:4# config route_map map1 sequence 10 set add metric 50
debug routefilter show
This command is used to show route filter information in kernel, including prefix list, access
list, and route map.
debug routefilter show [prefix_list | access_list | route_map]
This command is used to show route filter information in kernel, including prefix list, access
list, and route map.
- Enable the routefilter debug function
- Disable the routefilter debug function
Only Administrator level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To show route filter information in kernel.
DGS-3627:admin# debug routefilter show route_map
Command:4# debug routefilter show route_map
route-map map1,r_id:1,permit
Sequence 10
Match clauses:
ip address (access-lists): ac_list1
Set clauses:
metric 50
Sequence 20
Match clauses:
Set clauses:
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DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
The IP network layer uses a four-byte address. The Ethernet link layer uses a six-byte MAC address. Binding these two
address types together allows the transmission of data between the layers. The primary purpose of IP-MAC-Port binding
(IMPB) is to restrict the access to a switch to a number of authorized users. Only the authorized client can access the
Switch’s port by checking the pair of IP-MAC addresses with the pre-configured database. If an unauthorized user tries to
access an IMPB-enabled port, the system will block the access by dropping its packet. The maximum number of IP-MAC-
Port binding entries is dependant on chip capability (e.g. the ARP table size) and storage size of the device. For the DGS-
3600 Series, the maximum number of IMPB entries is 511. The creation of authorized users can be manually configured
by CLI or Web. The function is port-based, meaning a user can enable or disable the function on the individual port.
ACL Mode
Due to some special cases that have arisen with IP-MAC-Port binding, this Switch has been equipped with a special ACL
Mode for IMPB, which should alleviate this problem for users. When enabled, the Switch will create one entry in the
Access Profile Table. The entry may only be created if there is at least one Profile ID available on the Switch. If not, when
the ACL Mode is enabled, an error message will be prompted to the user. When the ACL Mode is enabled, the Switch will
only accept packets from a created entry in the IP-MAC-Port binding Setting screen. All others will be discarded.
To configure the ACL mode, the user must first set up IP-MAC-Port binding using the
create address_binding ip_mac
command to create an entry
Then the user must enable the mode by entering the
config address_binding
ports <portlist> mode acl
When configuring the ACL mode function of the IP-MAC-Port binding function, please pay
close attention to previously set ACL entries. Since the ACL mode entries will fill the first available
access profile and access profile IDs denote the ACL priority, the ACL mode entries may take
precedence over other configured ACL entries. This may render some user-defined ACL
parameters inoperable due to the overlapping of settings combined with the ACL entry priority
(defined by profile ID). For more information on ACL settings, please see “Configuring the Access
Profile” section mentioned previously in this chapter.
Once ACL profiles have been created by the Switch through the IP-MAC-Port binding
function, the user cannot modify, delete or add ACL rules to these ACL mode access profile
entries. Any attempt to modify, delete or add ACL rules will result in a configuration error as seen in
the previous figure.
When downloading configuration files to the Switch, be aware of the ACL configurations
loaded, as compared to the ACL mode access profile entries set by this function, which may cause
both access profile types to experience problems.
IP-MAC-Port Binding (IMPB) is a security application found on edge switches which are usually directly connected to
hosts. IMPB enables administrators to configure (or snoop) pairs of MAC and IP addresses that are allowed to access
networks through the switch. IMPB binds together the network layer IP address, and the Ethernet link layer MAC address,
and the receiving port, to allow the transmission of data between the layers.
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DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
The IP-MAC-Port Binding (IMPB) commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appropriate
parameters) in the following table.
config address_binding ip_mac ports
[<portlist> | all ] { state [enable {[strict | loose] | [ipv6 | all ]} | disable {[ ipv6 | all ]}]
| allow_zeroip [enable | disable] | forward_dhcppkt [enable | disable] | mode [arp
| acl ] | stop_learning_threshold<int 0-500>} (1)
create address_binding ip_mac
[ipaddress < ipaddr > | ipv6address <ipv6addr>] mac_address < macaddr > {
ports [ portlist | all]}
delete address_binding
[ip_mac [[ipaddress < ipaddr > | ipv6address <ipv6addr>] mac_address <
macaddr > | all] | blocked [ all | vlan_name < vlan_name > mac_address <
macaddr >]]
config address_binding ip_mac
[ipaddress < ipaddr > | ipv6address <ipv6addr>] mac_address < macaddr >
{ports [ portlist | all]}
show address_binding
{[ip_mac [all | [ipaddress <ipaddr> | ipv6address <ipv6addr>] mac_address
<macaddr>] | blocked [all | vlan_name <vlan_name> mac_address <macaddr>] |
ports {<portlist>}]}
enable address_binding dhcp_snoop
{[ipv6 | all]}
disable address_binding dhcp_snoop
{[ipv6 | all]}
clear address_binding dhcp_snoop
binding_entry ports
[ <portlist>|all ] {[ipv6 | all]}
show address_binding dhcp_snoop
{[max_entry { ports <portlist>} | binding_entry {port <port>}]}
config address_binding dhcp_snoop
max_entry ports
[<portlist> | all] limit [<value 1-50> | no_limit]
enable address_binding trap_log
disable address_binding trap_log
config address_binding
recover_learning ports
[<portlist> | all]
enable address_binding nd_snoop
disable address_binding nd_snoop
show address_binding nd_snoop
show address_binding nd_snoop
{port <port>}
clear address_binding nd_snoop
binding_entry ports
[<portlist> | all]
debug address_binding
[event | dhcp | all]
no debug address_binding
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
config address_binding ip_mac ports
Used to configure the state of IMPB on the switch for each port.
config address_binding ip_mac ports [<portlist> | all ] { state [enable {[strict | loose] |
[ipv6 | all ]} | disable {[ ipv6 | all ]}] | allow_zeroip [enable | disable] | forward_dhcppkt
[enable | disable] | mode [arp | acl ] | stop_learning_threshold<int 0-500>} (1)
Used to configure the per port state of IMPB on the switch.
If a port has been configured as group member of an aggregated link, then the IMPB function
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DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
config address_binding ip_mac ports
cannot be enabled.
When the binding check state is enabled for IP packets and ARP packets received by this
port, the switch will check whether the IP address and MAC address matches the binding
entry. If the packet does not match it will be dropped.
For this function, the switch can operate in ACL mode or ARP mode. In ARP mode, only ARP
packets are checked for binding. In ACL mode, both ARP packets and IP packets are
checked for binding. Therefore, the ACL mode provides more strict checks for packets.
- This parameter configures the IMPB port state to be enabled or disabled. When the
state is enabled, the port will perform the binding check.
- For “state enable ipv6”, only the IPv6 filter table applied to the driver.
For “state enable” without specifying “ipv6”, only the IPv4 filtering table is applied to driver.
For “state enable all”, both IPv4 and IPv6 filtering tables are applied to the driver.
For example, if IPv6 is enabled, but IPv4 is disabled, only the IPv6 Snooping entry is used to
create a HW filtering table, if the FDB is used as the HW filtering table, and one IPv6 entry is
allowed to be forwarded, all IPv4 packets get forwarded.
- Used to implement a mode of strict control. When strict control is used, all ARP and IP
broadcast packets are sent to the CPU and checked for IMPB before forwarding. Packets
with MAC addresses that match IMPB entries are set to dynamic state while MAC addresses
with no match are set to block. All other packets are dropped.
- Used to implement a more loose or less strict mode of control.
In loose mode, ARP and IP broadcast packets are sent to the CPU for IMPB checking.
Packets are forwarded unless the check finds a specified source MAC address that is
blocked. Packets with MAC addresses that match IMPB entries are set to dynamic state
while MAC addresses with no match are set to block. All other packets are bypassed.
- Specify whether to allow ARP packets with a source IP address of If
the IP address is not configured in the binding list and this setting is enabled, ARP
packets with the source IP address of will be allowed; If the IP address is not
configured in the binding list and this setting is disabled, ARP packets with the source IP
address of will not be allowed. This option does not affect the IMPB ACL Mode.
- By default, DHCP packets with a broadcast DA will be flooded.
When set to disabled, the broadcast DHCP packet received by the specified port will not be
This setting is effective when DHCP Snooping is enabled, in this case DHCP packets trapped
by the CPU must be forwarded by the software.
This setting controls the forwarding behavior in this situation.
- When configuring the mode of the port to be ACL mode, the switch will create an ACL
access entry corresponding to the entries of the port. If the port changes to ARP mode, all
ACL access entries are deleted automatically. The default mode for a port is ARP mode.
- When the number of blocked entries exceeds the threshold, the
port will stop learning new addresses. Packets with a new address will be dropped. The
range is 0-500. 0 means no limit.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To enable IMPB on port 1:


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