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DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
config bgp neighbor description EBGP-neighbor
Command: config bgp neighbor description EBGP-neighbor
config bgp neighbor session
This command is used to configure the BGP neighbor’s session attribute.
config bgp neighbor session [<ipaddr> | peer_group <peer_group_name 16>] state
[enable | disable]
The command is used to configure the state for a BGP neighbor. If a neighbor is specified to
be in the disabled state, it is equivalent to the case that the neighbor is deleted except when
the neighbor configuration is kept.
- Specifies the IP address of the neighbor to be configured.
- Specifies the peer group to be configured.
- If state is changed from enabled to disabled, the session with the neighbor peer will be
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To shut down all the neighbors that are contained in the peer group “Campus”:
config bgp neighbor session peer_group Campus state disable
Command: config bgp neighbor session peer_group Campus state disable
config bgp neighbor session activity
This command is used to configure the BGP neighbor’s session activity for an individual
address family.
config bgp neighbor session [<ipaddr> | peer_group <peer_group_name 16>] activity
[enable | disable]
This command can be used to configure the activity state for an individual address family. For
now, only the address family “IPv4” is supported:
- Specifies the IP address of the neighbor to be configured.
- Specifies the peer group to be configured.
- Specify the state for an individual address family. By default, the setting is enabled
for IPv4 address families.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To shut down all the neighbors’ activity states that are contained in the peer group “Campus”:
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DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
config bgp neighbor session activity disable
Command: config bgp neighbor session activity disable
config bgp neighbor general
This command is used to configure the BGP neighbor’s general setting.
config bgp neighbor general [<ipaddr> | peer_group <peer_group_name 16>] {
ebgp_multihop <value 1-255> | weight [<value 0-65535>| default ] | update_source [add
| delete] ipif <ipif_name 12>| send_community [standard | none] | next_hop_self
[enable | disable] | soft_reconfiguration_inbound [enable | disable] |
remove_private_as [enable | disable] | allowas_in [enable {<value 1-10>}| disable] |
default_originate [enable {route_map <map_name 16>} | disable] }(1)
: This specifies the TTL of the BGP packet sent to the neighbor. If it is
specified as 1, it will have a restriction that the neighbor must be directly connected to it.
: This specifies the weight that will be associated to the routes learned from the
specified neighbor. The route with highest weight will be chosen as the preferred route. If the
route map sets weight to a route, then this route map specified weight will override the weight
specified by the BGP neighbor’s command. Weight is an attribute which is specified in the
ingress direction, and is not an attribute to be advertised with the route. It is used to specify
preference for routes received from a neighbor over another neighbor.
: This parameter allows BGP sessions to use any operational interface for
TCP connections.
: If the setting is enabled, the route updates sent from the
specified neighbor will be stored. This storage is required for inbound soft reconfiguration.
When a soft reset is requested for inbound sessions, the session will not be torn down, but
the inbound routing table will be cleared. It needs to be rebuilt. If the soft reconfiguration
inbound is enabled, then the routing table can be rebuilt based on the stored route update
information. If the soft reconfiguration inbound is disabled, then the local router will send the
route refresh requests to the neighbor to ask for the route refresh.
: If the next_hop_self option is enabled, the router will set the next hop to itself
when it advertises the routes to the specific neighbor. If the next_hop_self option is disabled,
the next hop attributes will not be changed. The behavior described here will be overridden
by the set next hop statement if route map is applied to the neighbor in the out direction.
: The private Autonomous System numbers are from 64512 to 65535. If
this setting is set to enable, the private AS number in the AS path attribute of the BGP update
packets will be dropped.
: The BGP router will do AS path loop checks for the received BGP update
packet. If the BGP router’s self AS appears in the AS path, it is identified as a loop and the
packet will be discarded. If the allow-as setting is enabled, the BGP router’s self AS is
allowed in the AS path list.
: If this setting is enabled, it will allow a BGP speaker (the local router) to
send the default route to a neighbor to use as the default route. If route map is
specified, the default route will be injected if the route map contains a match IP address
statement. If this setting is disabled, no default route will be sent to the neighbor. The default
setting is disabled.
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config bgp neighbor general
- Specifies the IP address of the neighbor to be configured.
- Specifies the peer group to be configured.
- Specifies the TTL of the BGP packet sent to the neighbor. For an EBGP
neighbor the default setting is 1. This means only direct connected neighbors are allowed.
- The valid range is from 0 to 65535.
If this is not specified, the routes learned through another BGP peer will have a default weight
of 0.
Routes sourced by the local router have a weight of 32768. It cannot be changed.
- Specifies an interface to be used by BGP sessions for TCP connection. By
default, this parameter is not set.
- This specifies the communities attribute to be sent to the BGP neighbor.
standard - Only standard communities will be sent.
none - No communities will be sent. The default value is none.
- If this setting is set to enable, the private AS number in the AS path
attribute of the BGP update packets will be dropped. By default, the setting is disabled.
- If the allowas_in setting is enabled, the BGP router’s self AS is allowed in the AS
path list. By default, the allowas_in setting is disabled. If no number is supplied, the default
value of three times is used.
- Enable or disable the next hop self attribute. By default, this setting is
- Specifies to enable or disable the inbound soft reconfiguration
function. By default, this setting is disabled.
- Specifies to enable or disable the default originate function. By default, this
setting is disabled.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the EBGP multi-hop to 2:
config bgp neighbor general ebgp_multihop 2
Command: config bgp neighbor general ebgp_multihop 2
config bgp neighbor timer
This command is used to configure the BGP neighbor’s timer attribute.
config bgp neighbor timer [<ipaddr> | peer_group <peer_group_name 16>] {
advertisement_interval [<sec 0-600> | default ] | [ keepalive <sec 0-65535> holdtime
<sec 0-65535> |default_keepalive_holdtime ] | as_origination_interval [<sec 1-600> |
default] | connect [<sec 1-65535> | default ]}(1)
: If an advertised route is flapping, this usually occurs when an
interface is unstable. As a result, a lot of UPDATE and WITHDRAWN messages will be sent.
One method to control the flooding of these messages is to set a minimum advertisement
- Specifies the IP address of the neighbor to be configured.
- Specifies the peer group to be configured.
- It specifies the interval at which the BGP process sends update
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config bgp neighbor timer
messages to its peer.
The valid value is from 0 to 65535.
If this value is set to zero, the update or withdrawn message will be sent immediately.
The default value for IBGP peers is 5 seconds and for EBGP peers it is 30 seconds.
When specified to default, the neighbor specific advertisement interval setting will be returned
to the default setting.
- The system will declare a peer as dead if not receiving a keepalive message until
the hold time.
If two routers, that built a BGP connection, have different hold times, the smaller hold time
will be used.
The valid value is from 0 to 65535.
If the holdtime is zero, then the holdtime will never expire.
It is recommended that the holdtime value is three times that of the keepalive timer. By
default, the timer is not specified. This neighbor specific setting will follow the global setting.
- This specifies the interval at which a keepalive message is sent to its peers.
If the two routers, that build a BGP connection, have different keepalive timers, the smaller
keepalive timer will be unset.
The valid value is from 0 to 65535.
If the keepalive is set to zero, then the keepalive message will not be sent out. By default, the
timer is not specified. This neighbor specific setting will follow the global setting.
- Clear the specification of the neighbor specific holdtime and
keepalive setting.
- The minimum interval between the sending AS origination routing
updates. The valid value is from 1 to 600. The default setting is 15 seconds.
- The minimum interval BGP sends TCP connect requests to the peer after a TCP
connection fail happens. The valid value is from 1 to 65535. The default setting is 120
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the advertisement interval to 20 seconds:
config bgp neighbor timer peer_group Campus advertisement_interval 20
Command: config bgp neighbor timer peer_group Campus advertisement_interval 20
config bgp neighbor route_reflector_client
This command is used to configure the BGP’s neighbor of the route reflector client.
config bgp neighbor route_reflector_client [<ipaddr> | peer_group <peer_group_name
16>] state [enable | disable]
When the route reflector client is defined and the router reflection is enabled, the BGP router
will act as the route reflector. The reflector and its client form a cluster. In a cluster, all the
members must be an iBGP connection with the reflector and vice versa. The reflector is the
representative of the cluster. For the reflector, the iBGP connection is established by the
create bgp neighbor command and the corresponding neighbor must be specified as the
client by this command. For the client, the iBGP connection is established by the create bgp
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config bgp neighbor route_reflector_client
neighbor command.
When the router is in reflection mode, the router will exchange information with client
neighbors in the reflection way and with the remaining neighbors in the ordinary way.
When the router is in non-reflection mode, the router will exchange information with all the
neighbors in the non-reflection way.
An AS can have multiple clusters, and a cluster can have more than one reflector for
redundancy purposes.
- Specifies the IP address of the neighbor to be configured.
- Specifies the peer group to be configured.
- Enable: The specified neighbor will become the router reflector client. By default, this
state is disabled.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To add a neighbor as the route reflector client:
config bgp neighbor route_reflector_client state enable
Command: config bgp neighbor route_reflector_client state enable
config bgp neighbor map
This command is used to configure the BGP neighbor route map related setting.
config bgp neighbor map [<ipaddr> | peer_group <peer_group_name 16>] {
unsuppress_map [add | delete] <map_name 16> | route_map [ in | out] [add | delete ]
<map_name 16>}(1)
The command is used to configure the route map related setting for a BGP neighbor.
When a route map is applied by the route_map command, it enforces the route policy.
When it is applied by the unsuppress_map command, the suppressed route which matches
the permit rule will be unsuppressed. It provides a manipulation of routers per neighbor.
If a route map is configured relating to a BGP neighbor but the route map doesn’t exist, it
means deny any. If the route map exists but has no filter entry defined, it will permit all.
- Specifies the IP address of the neighbor to be configured.
- Specifies the peer group to be configured.
unsuppress_map <map_name 16>
- The name of a route map used to selectively advertise
routers previously suppressed by the aggregate_address command.
- Specify the route map to be applied to the incoming or outgoing routes.
- Specifies the incoming routes from the neighbor.
- Specifies the outgoing routes sent to the peer.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the unsuppressed map of peer group “Campus” to Profile1:


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