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D-Link DAP-1555 User Manual
Section ² - Configuration
Network Settings
This section will allow you to change the local network settings of the access point and to configure the DHCP
Device Name:
Enter the Device Name of the AP. It is recommended to
change the Device Name if there is more than one D-Link
device within the subnet.
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D-Link DAP-1555 User Manual
Section ² - Configuration
Access Point IP
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Device Name:
Enter the IP address of the access point. The default IP address is If you change the IP address, once you click Apply,
you will need to enter the new IP address in your browser to get
back into the configuration utility.
Enter the Subnet Mask assigned by your ISP.
Enter the Gateway assigned by your ISP.
Enter the Device Name of the AP. It is recommended to change
the Device Name if there is more than one D-Link device within the
Static IP
Select Static IP Address if all the Internet port’s IP information is provided to you by your ISP. You will need to enter in
the IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, and DNS address(es) provided to you by your ISP. Each IP address
entered in the fields must be in the appropriate IP form, which are four octets separated by a dot (x.x.x.x). The Access
point will not accept the IP address if it is not in this format.
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D-Link DAP-1555 User Manual
Section ² - Configuration
MAC Address Filter
The MAC address filter section can be used to filter network access by machines based on the unique MAC addresses
of their network adapter(s). It is most useful to prevent unauthorized wireless devices from connecting to your network.
A MAC address is a unique ID assigned by the manufacturer of the network adapter.
Configure MAC
When “OFF” is selected, MAC addresses are not
used to control network access. When “ALLOW”
is selected, only computers with MAC addresses
listed in the MAC Address List are granted network
access. When “DENY” is selected, any computer
with a MAC address listed in the MAC Address List
is refused access to the network.
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D-Link DAP-1555 User Manual
Section ² - Configuration
Transmit Power:
Beacon Period:
RTS Threshold:
DTIM Interval:
802.11d Enable*:
L2 Isolation:
WMM Enable:
Short GI:
Set the transmit power of the antennas.
Beacons are packets sent by an Access Point to
synchronize a wireless network. Specify a value.
100 is the default setting and is recommended.
This value should remain at its default setting of
2346. If inconsistent data flow is a problem, only a
minor modification should be made.
The fragmentation threshold, which is specified
in bytes, determines whether packets will be
fragmented. Packets exceeding the 2346 byte
setting will be fragmented before transmission. 2346
is the default setting.
(Delivery Traffic Indication Message) 1 is the default
setting. A DTIM is a countdown informing clients
of the next window for listening to broadcast and
multicast messages.
This enables 802.11d operation. 802.11d is a wireless specification developed to allow implementation of wireless networks in
countries that cannot use the 802.11 standard. This feature should only be enabled if you are in a country that requires it.
Enabling L2 (Layer 2) Isolation prevents associated wireless clients from communicating with each other.
WMM is QoS for your wireless network. This will improve the quality of video and voice applications for your wireless
Check this box to reduce the guard interval time therefore increasing the data capacity.
However, it’s less reliable and may
create higher data loss.
Advanced Wireless
Transmit power is regulated by international standards and users are forbidden to change its maximum limit. Regarding the frequency of 802.11d, every country
limits the frequency range used within its territory. Consumers are only allowed to purchase products that operates with the country regulated frequency.
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D-Link DAP-1555 User Manual
Section ² - Configuration
Enable WISH:
Windows Media
WISH Rule:
Enable this option if you want to allow WISH to
prioritize your traffic.
Allows the access point to recognize HTTP transfers
for many common audio and video streams and
prioritize them above other traffic. Such streams
are frequently used by digital media players.
Enables the access point to recognize certain
audio and video streams generated by a Windows
Media Center PC and to prioritize these above
other traffic. Such streams are used by systems
known as Windows Media Extenders, such as the
Xbox 360.
When enabled, this option allows the access
point to automatically attempt to prioritize traffic
streams that it doesn’t otherwise recognize, based
on the behavior that the streams exhibit. This acts
to de-prioritize streams that exhibit bulk transfer
characteristics, such as file transfers, while leaving
interactive traffic, such as gaming or VoIP, running
at a normal priority.
A WISH Rule identifies a specific message flow and
assigns a priority to that flow. For most applications,
the priority classifiers ensure the right priorities and
specific WISH Rules are not required.
WISH supports overlaps between rules. If more than
one rule matches for a specific message flow, the
rule with the highest priority will be used.
WISH is short for Wireless Intelligent Stream Handling, a technology developed to enhance your experience of using
a wireless network by prioritizing the traffic of different applications.
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