NAT command reference
Network address translation - NAT
iMG/RG Software Reference Manual (IPNetwork Functions)
This command enables NAT between an existing security interface and a network inter-
face type. NAT is enabled between the security interface and all the interfaces that belong
to the chosen network interface type.
You must enable the
package using the command SECURITY ENABLE if you want to use the
module to configure security for your system.
An interface is either an inside or outside interface. The network attached to an inside
interface needs to be protected from the network attached to an outside interface. For
example, the network attached to an internal interface (inside) needs to be protected
from the network attached to a DMZ (outside). Also, you can only enable
two different interface types. For example, if interfacename is an external interface type,
you can enable
between the interfacename and the internal or the DMZ interface
type, but not the external interface type. The following interface combinations are the
only ones that you can use:
External (outside) and internal (inside)
External (outside) and dmz (inside)
Dmz (outside) and internal (inside)
The existing security interface must be an outside interface.
translates packets
between the outside interface and the inside interface type. In this way, the IP address of
a host on a network attached to an inside interface is hidden from a host on a network
attached to an outside interface.
If you want to map an outside interface to an individual host on an inside interface type,
you can use the command NAT ADD RESVMAP INTERFACENAME.
The following table gives the range of values for each option that can be specified with
this command and a Default Value (if applicable).
Default Value
An arbitrary name that identifies a NAT object enabled
between a security interface and an interface type. It can be
made up of one or more letters or a combination of letters and
digits, but it cannot start with a digit.
The name of an existing security interface (external or DMZ)
that was added to the Security package using the SECURITY
ADD INTERFACE command. To display security interfaces, use
the security list interfaces command.